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Check action status

There are two ways to get the current action status when using hooks:

  1. Directly via the status property returned by useAction and useOptimisticAction hooks.
  2. Using utility functions imported from next-safe-action/status.

Utility functions

You can import isIdle, isExecuting, hasSucceeded, and hasErrored from next-safe-action/status. This emulates the pre v4 implementation, and it's similar to the Tanstack Query API.

Why using single status property is better?

The reason for the v4 change, other than debloating the hook result object, is that using a single status string property is discriminating, i.e. only one status can be active at a specific time. Instead, returning multiple functions to check status as before v4, doesn't guarantee the same behavior.

If you use the utility functions imported from next-safe-action/status you get the same discriminated status string, thanks to TypeScript's type predicates feature.